
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Most patients will experience an immediate pain relief following the treatment. However, within 2–4 hours after the treatment, they may experience some soreness in the treated area. This soreness has been reported as tolerable and not limiting.
There are no side effects. The Super Inductive System is equipped with Therapy Targeting Mode, which ensures precise delivery of the therapy to the affected area.
No, apart from perhaps a slight redness to the treated area immediately after treatment which dissipates within a few hours.
There is no set limit, it is down to the individual and the therapist to discuss and set out the long term desired effect. Traditionally however, treatments tend to range from 5 for acute pain to 15 for chronic.
There is no set limit, it is down to the individual and the therapist to discuss and set out the long term desired effect. Traditionally however, treatments tend to range from 5 for acute pain to 15 for chronic.
There is no set limit, it is down to the individual and the therapist to discuss and set out the long term desired effect. Traditionally however, treatments tend to range from 5 for acute pain to 15 for chronic.
No, Laser therapy is absolutely painless.
The treatment can cause feelings of discomfort which are short lived and bearable. The treatment lasts around 5 minutes, most people are easily able to tolerate the discomfort for this duration.
No, therapy is painless. You may experience muscle contractions and slight tingling.
High Intensity Laser (HIL) technology is based on the principle of low level laser therapy (LLLT). However, unlike the low level laser therapy the high power and choice of the right wavelength of the HIL allow for deep tissue penetration and through a natural process of energy transfer (biostimulation and photomechanical effect) it significantly speeds up healing and tissue regeneration. HIL offers a powerful and non-addictive form of acute pain management and is effective especially in treatment of sports injuries, e.g. muscle injury or joint distortion, and lower back pain caused by e.g. herniated disc or disorders in the cervical region causing neck pain.